Saturday, November 11, 2006

How you want to recover when you forgot administration password?

some people when they forgot admin password, it's like "end of the world". However, there is way to cater the problem. since i worked as manager cam network admin and system admin, i had faced this kind of problem and i did some research on it. It come across when i searched over (the best search engine!!). the link is as follows

this website provides to you step-by-step on how to break through your system and demolish the existing password. the author proposed 3rd party tools in which it is free to use.

Here are 5 of these free tools:
Windows Password recovery - Can retrieve forgotten admin and users' passwords in minutes. Safest possible option, does not write anything to hard drive.
Petter Nordahl-Hagen's Offline NT Password & Registry Editor (recommended)- A great boot CD/Floppy that can reset the local administrator's password.
Openwall's John the Ripper - Good boot floppy with cracking capabilities.
EBCD – Emergency Boot CD - Bootable CD, intended for system recovery in the case of software or hardware faults.
Austrumi - Bootable CD for recovering passwords and other cool tools

I have tried using all the tools and successfully hacked my friend's pc using these tools...hehheh

best of luck guys..

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