Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Voice Over IP(VOIP)

No one knows that we can dial up for free! Prove it!
Recently, i have done some research on the internet, looking for free useful stuffs, or in other words 'free of charge'. Finally, i found that VOIP technology can be useful for me. VOIP can be known as Voice Over IP is not really new technology (maybe was introduced on early Y2K).This technology integrates between telecommunication and networking system. As we know,people on this days is using telephone line which technology PABX is applied. But now, VOIP technology will take over conventional telephone line task where new value added is introduced such as, (Voice Over IP + Video + using the IP) where it runs parallel using internet line. In other words, it could save up your money, instead of using the conventional technology.

Reminder = Calls for landline is free for the first 20 minutes and mobile is free for the first 5 minutes(depends on provider). In my case, i used VOIPBuster.

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